Official 7 Chet holmgren Oklahoma city thunder cartoon signature T-shirt
our elderly and our churchgoers? Because that’s what it looks like.” Kerr, a longtime advocate or gun control, hit the Official 7 Chet holmgren Oklahoma city thunder cartoon signature T-shirt but in fact I love this nail right on the head. The reason we don’t pass gun reform comes down to politics. Gun control opponents have powerful political influence. Organizations such as the NRA, the National Shooting Sports Foundation, the National Association for Gun Rights and others command large and loyal membership bases as well as financial war chests. They have invested heavily in the political system, leaning in recent years on Republicans, as Democrats have become more vocal about their support of gun control policy. Republican leaders know which side their bread is buttered on. Add to this an era of gerrymandered House districts and highly polarized state electorates and it’s no mystery why Republican legislators remain staunchly against meaningful reform: They simply hope to win reelection. To be sure, there are Democrats who follow these same incentives of money and power as well. But even Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia, a staunch supporter of gun rights, has supported efforts to expand background checks. By and large, Democrats are more supportive of this type of legislation. Increasingly, the failure to pass gun control is a Republican-created problem. Get our
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